Sunday, March 26, 2006


This topic i will review how our malaysian especially chinese's perception on GENTLEMEN.

Come guys, let's stand up and be a real gentlemen !

I guess all the guy who has girlfriend sure will thanks me after reading this. It inspires me to write this because i see among my friends who suffer it. Gentlement is a word = high price for guys. Why i say so ?

Ok, here the situation, Ah beng and Jennifer are University student. One day, Ah Beng's girlfriend birthday, (Jennifer) she decided to organize it in a restorant. She invites all her friends come along to celebrate.

Ok, the wrong signal of gentlemen come liao, be ready guys :

Jennifer frens : Hey, who organize this birthday party for you ? This place is good lar. (of coz good lar.. restaurant mar not MC D also )

Jennifer: My bf lor... ah beng. ( actually this girl already plan very long time ago ) He really loves me and He already paid for the whole party.

Jennifer frens : Wah, your bf so gentlemen lar ( in another word: generous ) and so love you.

Jennifer : Yalor yalor ( of course lar, my birthday wor, must celebrate for me.... seems like got face and standing at the top of Mountain Everest )

Ah Beng: As long as Jennifer happy lar... ( actually he is crying inside his heart ) Then everyone laugh.

My OX-ford dictionary : a man who is polite and well educated, who has excellent manners and always behave well.

Ok, usually this word utter from girl as compliment towards guys for being helpful. ( It needs two gender MALE + FEMALE to really happen this situation )

Or in the prom nite or function, usually when guy wearing nice, it looks gentlemen ! But the converstation above is all base on money... the evaluate the relationship.

Ok, let'see what is my definition of GENTLEMEN

In western country, gentlemen is being correctly use. when man walk down to stair, he saw a girl walking as well, He will walk infront of the girl at stair. When walk up the stair, girls will be at front of the guys, vice versa.

You know why ? this is to prevent girls from falling into front or behind, because there is still a guy to protect and hold you ! That's why male and female is differently body shape and strength. We guys with strenght can help what the girl who don't have. And certainly not evaluate with money !

And another case in Europe, Britain for example. Try to imagine that 1940 in London, there is a large formal party. So they will dance formally. Girls will certainly wear big big dress and guys will wear like a gentlemen.

Ok, when they stop dancing, a couple move to a table and sit. The guy will not sit first, he will stand beside the girl on her chair . The girl will stand up and put her both hands on the buttock to press down the dress... and the dress is long as well so it really needs both hands. The guy will push the chair until girl sit down. Then the guy only go back to his seat.

Isn't that romantic and nice compare to the ah beng's girlfriend birthday ?

In US, girls are not particularly like to being treat by guy, for example like meal. They feel they are still able to afford a meal, and why guys to pay for us ? They are more independent in term of thinking compare to Asian Woman. See, what is the difference ?

Let me get to the point, chinese society always claim gentlemen in more like generous people. But generous need money.

As a result, you will find out in our common chinese society : Rich People = Gentlemen , Poor People = Not Gentlemen

I am not rich , and i am not that poor. Then who am i ?

This perception is deadly wrong and only will lead us to Kiasu society which like the Perodua Kancil Ads.It is a good mirror to reflect ourselves actually which i don't why it get banned. And in Singapore, the money minded thinking is already deep into their society.

My JB frens warn me to not get a girlfriend from Singapore, or else i will in deep shit !

So girls out there, please don't torture your boyfriend, unless he is really rich ass lar... hahahahaha..

But we are all the same. We have the same pocket money from parents also. Guys do not get extra money to being gentlemen. If i tell my father this, i m sure he is going to whack me, or tell me to do gender- change operation to become female so i don't worry about money.

Sometimes money isn't the only way to judge how much he loves you. Notice what he did when you need help, he will give you a hand no matter how hard or far you are. Of course not to expect girl to utter the word : "Oh, you are so gentlemen" in every detail of our life. But at least, you know he cares about you. He loves you !


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