Sunday, April 02, 2006

Migrate to other country ?

Recently, my friends all are discussing the issue of Malaysia- the islamic country, And some news about our MCA wakil kena threaten because of the sensitive issue.

Of course, here we are not saying who's right, or wrong. But I really feel sad to look at this kind of thing. I really ponder about what happening in our country. Maybe it is time to think about my future...

One of my friends is decided to migrate to foreign country, and others have the mind as well. I am not going to do that because i am not rich, and it is basically escaping from the problem only.

Problem in Malaysia = People migrate to other place. Problem still there.

My feeling is very complicated at that moment. This time i am not going to come out with critics and opinion, instead i will put a song from Edison Chen to express myself better.

MC仁 Rap :


有人會睇到黃金片地 呢度係一塊福地

有人會睇到唔一樣 樣樣野一敗塗地

有人會識得處身處地 有人會選擇逃避



七百萬隻螞蟻 唔容易走埋一齊

向住同一個方向睇 一定會搵到大前題

係同一種人 點解要將人睇低 係同一種人



I Rap da police I Rap da government

跌得起 輸得起 搵塊鏡照下自己

香港人至叻 唔使靠人個個靠自己

唔怕攬住一齊死 使乜怕從頭做起

要有訂企 首先要企硬自己

*同热爱这遍土地大家刻骨铭记 愁或喜生与死也是香港地*

P.S : try to read in cantonese, or else you will feel weird ^^


Blogger paliahan said...

the number 1 highest rating blog in MMU

8:52 AM  

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